Are you ready for a little detox inside and out? Several months back I went for my yearly physical and I requested to have my mercury levels tested. I was having neck pain, my left hand was twitching (chalked that up to way too much time on my phone...) along with numbness in my hands and feet. My husband recommended I have my mercury levels tested, he too had experienced some of the same symptoms. Both of us are healthy eaters, enjoy our workouts and love sushi, that being said too much fish, sushi especially is not a good thing. His doctor suggested reading up on charcoal and try drinking one charcoal drink a day from Kreation Organic for a week. Here's a fact about Charcoal - It literally binds to toxins, and that binding effect makes it a great cleanser, inside and out. 

Between the toxin absorbing qualities of activated charcoal and the hydrating effects of coconut, Charcoalade is also a powerful hangover remedy. Activated charcoal is also used to treat poisonings, overdoses, spider bites, and stomach bugs. It abso…

Between the toxin absorbing qualities of activated charcoal and the hydrating effects of coconut, Charcoalade is also a powerful hangover remedy. Activated charcoal is also used to treat poisonings, overdoses, spider bites, and stomach bugs. It absorbs most toxins up to 60% making it ideal for detoxing. It also helps whiten your teeth!

My test results showed my levels were definitely at a high level, over 11 and Level 9 would be a much better level for me personally, my doctor recommended first of all...I lay off the sushi. Ok, Kreation here I come. Here was my routine - Three days a week, after my favorite workout class I would head to Wholefoods grab my favorite sushi while doing my grocery shopping and that would be my lunch- that's 18 - 20 pieces of sushi a month. This has been my routine for a little too long, and it was time to adjust my intake. There is so much information on Charcoal and I highly recommend reading the articles highlighted below if you haven't read up on high levels of mercury and the effect it can have on the mind and body. After a week of  Kreation Charcoalade, and zero sushi, my neck pain was significantly better, along with the numbness and the twitching of my hand. Literally after a week of drinking one juice a day things changed for the better. This worked for me, check with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms or other concerns that might lead you to think this relates to you.  It was a wake-up call on a few levels and to pay attention to what's going on with our oceans, and which fish is higher in mercury than others, along with the healing powers of charcoal, a natural detoxer. The articles I've listed below are worth a read if you're having any uncomfortable aches, pains or fogginess.

If you're not crazy about the taste of the Charcoal drink you can take 2 capsules a day with this Activated Charcoal. There are so many products out there, maybe you're not sure where to start, It's definitely worth reading about. After all, for over 10,000 years, healers from Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, and Western Medicine have used activated charcoal to soak up poisons and improve intestinal health through a process called “adsorption” which means “to bind to” rather than “to absorb.”  Be sure to read about dosage, you also don't want to take too much charcoal.  Now let's look at charcoal for beauty.

I'm sure you're reading about the benefits of charcoal everywhere too, even in the beauty world. It does make sense if you think about it. Charcoal has been around for centuries and cultures. Native Americans relied on it to heal wounds and treat intestinal and digestive issues. The Japanese use it for dental hygiene, it's also a teeth whitener! It was first introduced as a beauty exfoliator in 1990 by Origins. I decided to try it out myself, if I felt better on the inside with the Charcoalade why not begin the beauty experiment on the inside?

Little Barn Apothecary created this Charcoal + Aloe Foaming Face Cleanser. This activated charcoal will leave your skin feeling tone!  I first discovered this from Love Goodly - A subscription box service and shop that delivers cruelty-free and toxic free beauty and healthier brands.

Think about all the free radicals we encounter the minute we walk out the door. Our phones, computers, door knobs, etc... toxins from the world around us clog our pores. When your pores aren't clear, neither is your complexion. Activated charcoal can draw out those impurities, leaving the pores clean.

Vitamin Sea Beauty - Black Sea Mud Charcoal Cooling & Antioxidant face mask will increase the circulation in your skin, between the Black Sea Mud & the Charcoal, your skin feels so clean along with tightening of the pores.

 Active charcoal acts like a magnet,  say goodbye to oil, dirt and other environmental debris from clogged pores. After eight to ten minutes, rinse with warm water and you're good to "glow"  I'm all for drawing out the toxins, charcoal seems like a good place to begin. I'll save my sushi cravings for a later date.

My search continues in all things health and beauty. I would love to hear from you some of your discoveries along the way for becoming your best self. Here's to the sharing of knowledge for all of us. 


Articles on Charcoal :



If you haven't already come up with a green coconut smoothie or breakfast bowl made with Hawaiian Spirulina, I'd love to share easy recipes I like with you. It's Green, it's healthy and both are a superfood supplement. When you're on the go and running out the door early in the morning. Wake up and blend up - with a nutritious green machine smoothie in a cup or a bowl.

This took under 10 minutes to make and it's delicious. I blended half of a green coconut packet, water, raspberries, blueberries... sprinkled with spirulina - cinnamon -  topped with a mint leaf...and a lovely pink rose from my garden. The unused green coconut packet will last for three days in the freezer.

You can also use the green coconut packet, thaw it out for about 10 minutes and eat by itself. Sprinkle a little cinnamon, mix with nuts, dates or flax-seed oil. The above drink is made with green coconut - blueberries - flax seed oil - spirulina.

In Tablet or Powder form. Serving size suggested for the powder is 1 teaspoon /6  tablets daily with meals.

In Tablet or Powder form. Serving size suggested for the powder is 1 teaspoon /6  tablets daily with meals.

Recently I attend a luncheon where Elissa Goodman spoke about her new book Cancer Hacks, and one of the products in our goodie bag was Spirulina Pacifica from Pure Hawaiian. I didn't really know much about it...but I do now. Spirulina comes from a blue-green alga named for its shape. It's the original superfood and is one of the most nutritious, concentrated whole foods known to humankind. It's been used as a food source for centuries. Spirulina is made of between 55 and 70 % digestible protein (more than beef, chicken, and soybeans) you'll also find high levels of iron, beta carotene, minerals, and numerous other healthful vitamins including vitamin B12 and phycocyanin, a pigment protein antioxidant found only in blue-green microalgae. You might ask: Why take Spirulina?  It provides long- lasting energy and strengthens the immune system. Its antioxidant power contributes to the entire body operating like a well-oiled machine. For those who aren't a fan of veggies, sneak it in almost anywhere.

Benefits of taking Hawaiian Spirulina - Energy - Immune System - Brain Health (research has shown it has more promising results than blueberries for your brain) Cardiovascular... One 3 gram serving has higher levels of some key antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins and minerals compared to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables.  You might ask why Hawaiian?  Hawaiian Spirulina goes from pond to powder in less than 30 minutes. it's cultivated in a Biosecure Zone free of pesticides, herbicides and industrial pollutants in Kona, Hawaii, the sunniest coast in the united states. Each pond is fed with 100% potable drinking water from Hawaiian aquifers and infused with pure deep ocean water containing beneficial trace minerals.

Ingredients: Young Green Coconut (1 packet) - Hawaiian Spirulina (1 teaspoon)- Blueberries - (many as you want) Add water to the consistency you prefer and shake in a little cinnamon.

Ingredients: Young Green Coconut (1 packet) - Hawaiian Spirulina (1 teaspoon)- Blueberries - (many as you want) Add water to the consistency you prefer and shake in a little cinnamon.

Coconuts are one of the most nutritious of all fruits, but unfortunately, in the United States, they are also one of the most overlooked. Coconuts are not a traditional part of the American diet but have been a staple food for Asian cultures, for centuries. Why young green coconut?   It's naturally low in sugar, has 0% Cholesterol, 0g Trans Fats, and fewer calories than mature brown coconuts.  I love inner-eco, they puree each individual packet so you can easily mix it up, blend it up or have it alone as a snack. There is no sugar added, Dairy free, Vegan-friendly, Gluten-free, no GMOs

  • A few health benefits of coconuts and coconut oil include:
  • Help you lose weight or maintain your already good weight 
  • Reduce the risk of heart disease 
  • Lower your cholesterol 
  • Improve conditions in those with diabetes and chronic fatigue 
  • Improve Crohn's, IBS, and other digestive disorders 
  • Prevent other disease and routine illness with its powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents 
  • Increase metabolism and promotes healthy thyroid function 
  • Boost your daily energy 
  • Rejuvenate your skin and prevent wrinkles

I bought this  Bella Rocket Blender  on Amazon. It's great for quick blending and super easy on the clean-up. After you've made your shake you can flip the cup over, add the lid and now you've got your to-go healthy drink, or make it the night before and keep it cold in the fridge for the following morning.  

Super easy, super quick and Super Healthy!  Tell yourself you are living in a healthy body and the mind will begin to tell the body and so on and so on...

And now you're off and running. Wake up Look Up Get Up Fuel Up.  Express your gratitude and watch your life begin to shift in a positive way....and a four-legged running pal doesn't hurt either.  We are living longer as a society and it's worth the effort to do your research and begin to take care of your mind, body and spirit.

   Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. Ideas are products of the imagination . Imagine yourself as priceless...because you are.


Before heading off for vacation, I enjoy planning healthy meals a month in advance. It can be fun to set a goal and get yourself into your "fighting weight", so when you're packing your bags, you become excited to wear your pretty little dresses and your bathing suits. Who wants to think about calories or carbohydrates, when you're traveling about and looking at the breakfast buffet...not me! I look forward to every meal. I get so excited about sitting down for breakfast, lunch and dinner. So before you go here are a few of my favorite kick starter meals to get you on your way

I've always loved a good turkey burger, and I enjoy making my own. All you need is some ground lean turkey meat, which can be mixed with spices and season to make it taste just oh so yummy for you. Bun or no Bun? That is the question. Want a good ole hardy burger, keep the bun... feel like being a little lean because summer is on its way, go for lettuce wraps.  Whether your dressed or undressed, you'll feel great when you make healthy choices.

I buy my turkey meat and veggies from Whole Foods Market. I mix a little olive oil, Italian Herbs and truffle salt. What's a burger without fries!  I heat a large skillet and cook on medium for about 4-5 minutes on each side. Garnish with a little mustard, lettuce, tomato, swiss cheese then finish off with a gluten free Bun from Glutenfree Bakehouse Products / 356 Whole Foods Brand organic ketchup / ALEXIA - all natural roasted crinkle cut fries (0g trans fat) 

Dress it up - Dress it is the lean version of a turkey burger, and by the way...very tasty. I did leave off the swiss cheese, and passed on the fries, but I promise it still taste great. No bun needed. 

I cook with Herbs of Italy quite a bit - Oregano, thyme, basil, garlic, black peppers, tarragon, red bell pepper, chives. California Olive Oil - and just a little truffle salt.

ALEXIA fries are my son's favorite fries. 

I use Herbs of Italy to season the fries, just the right amount of flavor. Garnish your burger with any little topping. Here I have added a baby heirloom cute 

Vegetable Butter lettuce tacos. 

Super simple to make/  broccolini and broccoli (I love them both) -cauliflower rice - radishes - avocado - carrots- spicy red pepper - lemon - garlic oil.  Heat the oven to 400 degrees - chop your veggies to your liking (leave out the red pepper if you choose) - heat on a baking sheet for 15 minutes - Place in the butter lettuce and garnish with your avocado, radishes - sprinkle the garlic oil on top. I don't find you need any dressing. The garlic oil has a nice flavor and the crunchiness of the cauliflower rice (love the texture) with the radish is so satisfying. Radishes are full of fiber, riboflavin, and potassium, as well as good amounts of copper, vitamin B6, and magnesium. Radishes are a natural cleansing agent for the digestive system, helping to break down stagnant food and toxins that build up over time. They are a staple in my kitchen.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Detoxing Salad - I've been a fan of apple cider vinegar for a few years and I thought this would be a different way to enjoy the benefits, instead of mixing it with water and knocking it back. I love the red cabbage ( pretty pink color...livens up the meal) and once again really easy to make and SO healthy for you. Apple cider vinegar helps with health concerns including diabetes, cancer, heart problems, and high cholesterol. It contains pectin (a naturally occurring substance found in the skin and the core of  berries, apples, and other raw fruit) It's also know to cure hiccups and soothe a sore throat.  Plenty of reasons to keep in hand in the kitchen pantry.

You will need Red Cabbage - Sea Salt - Red Onion- Olive Oil - Apple Cider Vinegar - Black Pepper - Parsley. Did you know parsley is rich in many vital Vitamins, including Vitamin C, B12, K and A. This means parsley keeps your immune system strong, tones your bones and heals the nervous system too.

What you will need - 1/2 bunch of parsley  / 1/2 medium red onion / 1 small red head of cabbage / sea salt & black pepper to taste / 1/4 cup of olive oil ( or less) 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar. Chop the cabbage and the onion in a food processor. 

Season with salt and pepper, and add in the chopped parsley. sprinkle olive oil and apple cider vinegar / mix together and serve fresh or cover the bowl -place in the fridge and enjoy for 3 days. Below are 3 different ways to mix in your healthy detox salad.

1) Baked Salmon on a bed of lettuce, grilled peppers & cauliflower 2) Baked Salmon on shredded cabbage salad 3) Baked Chicken with Cesar Salad, and grilled Broccolini.

I'd love for you to share with me some of your favorite healthy salads, and any recipes you've come up with. Let's stay healthy by educating ourselves and stay out of the doctors office!

Lemon Italian Sparkling Mineral Water.

                                “I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.”                                                                                                                                            W.C. Fields

Take care of your mind body and spirit, it wants to see your dreams come true.  xo janet