Wouldn't it be nice to create a daily practice where we can feel how incredibly wonderful we are by learning how to love ourselves? When we begin to show self-love it's amazing how our lives can improve. We feel better, we're kinder to each other, we get the jobs we want, or even create them. Our relationships improve or the negative ones dissolve and new ones begin. It might sound simplistic but don't you find the simplest things are the most profound?  It's time to see you like God sees you. Here are 14 tips for creating space to love and appreciate who you are and appreciate others on February 14th.

1- Speak kind words about yourself

When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and say "I love you" speak kind words to yourself, think kind thoughts. What we think on the inside is what our world reflects back to us. When we have self-love, we are able to have love for one another. 

Watch the Sunrise

Watch the Sunrise

2- Watch the Sunrise

Watching the Sunrise in the morning and waking up with the planet reminds you that it's a new beginning. It's the perfect time to say "thank you for today, thank you for letting me begin again"  It doesn't matter where you are in the world, you can wake up with the sun and begin a new day. Express your love for the planet and you will begin to feel love right back. 

Signs are everywhere...

Signs are everywhere...

3-  Walk your dog or cuddle with your cat or talk to nature

If you have a dog, walking your dog not only gets you out into the world and connects you with nature, it's showing love to your animal and they're so grateful to spend quality time with you. You never know what you might see along the way, maybe a sign from the Universe to remind you; You are loved...  

Be the girl on a train

Be the girl on a train

4- Take yourself on an Adventure

Even if it's just for the day. When is the last time you took the train? There's something charming about seeing the city by train. When you're looking out the window and watching the world go by you feel nostalgic and be grateful for a little old fashion charm.

Organic, non-toxic, cruelty free, chemical free brands

Organic, non-toxic, cruelty free, chemical free brands

6- Send yourself some Love (Goodly)

Wouldn't it be Lovely to receive a box in the mail from a company that actually promotes self Love? Love Goodly is a bi-monthly subscription luxury box service that introduces you to products that take care of yourself and our planet. You will be introduced to brands from all over that are made with Love. Your health and your wellness are worth it!

Found another sign...

Found another sign...

7-  Take a vision walk

Create your day by walking with a vision. Set out with a purpose and begin by saying; Universe I am aware there are universal forces looking right at me, and I am aware that I am the object of your positive attention. Today all day I will be in conscience awareness that you are right here with me. Loving me, Encouraging me, Inspiring me, Guiding me, Leading me, Laughing with me, Healing me, Uplifting me, Financing me and I am grateful for your continual gaze upon me. Look around at every living thing nature has provided us and recognize the abundance and feel your heart open.

Don't forget to look up

Don't forget to look up

8- Enjoy being by the water

Whether you live by a lake, a river or the ocean, being next to water calms the soul. We can relax, connect with our inner guidance and rejuvenate our cells. After all, our bodies are made up of 65 % water... or just make yourself a nice bubble bath. 

Recreated my meal from Estrella on Sunset Blvd.

Recreated my meal from Estrella on Sunset Blvd.

9 - Make yourself a nice meal

Because you're worth it. There are so many incredible recipes to discover on social media, why not get creative and make something you've never made before. Take yourself to the market and splurge. Create a healthy, beautiful meal for yourself, your family or friends.  *I've linked 5 top apps for healthy meals.

Venice for great murals

Venice for great murals

10- Think Big

Remember; it takes just as much effort to think big as it does to think small. Have a big vision for yourself, you'll find that if you get in the habit of doing that, the Universe will provide the path to get you there.

Tulum Beach

Tulum Beach

11- Write down your dreams

It feels so great to write out your vision, to draw pictures, see the words, feel the emotion, sit back and enjoy the ride. Become inspired by your own words. When your vision moves from thought to paper, you feel alive, you will begin to find ways to make it happen and what the mind sees it wants to achieve.

12- Get together with your friends

Make an evening with your girlfriends for brainstorming, and a few laughs of course. Ask what their goals are, and chances are you'll all find a way to help each other.

13- Stop & Kiss

Yes...just that. Don't forget to take time to Stop & Kiss someone you love.

14- Express your gratitude

 Wake up every day and be grateful. There are endless possibilities when you look at life through the eyes of Love. Having self-love is having the appreciation for the spiritual being you are, and that which created you. Tell someone you love them today, start with yourself. You have so much to offer. 

                                                        HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!


Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. How do you begin your morning? Do you instantly look at your phone, check your e-mail... maybe look at Instagram?  Or do you take a moment to be grateful, sit in silence and read a little positive material before you walk outside and take on the day?  It only takes a few minutes each morning to start off on the right track and create your positive energy field. I'd like to share a few of my favorite spiritual reads that can open your heart, inspire you to be the best you can be, help you focus, and laugh along the way. When you dwell in an energy of positivity and power you become a magnet for miracles. Aren't you worth it?

As much as I can't wait to escape with Netflix, I also look forward to sitting with a good inspirational book and becoming motivated to live this amazing life we've all been given. How great is it when you discover books that make you feel like it's speaking right at you! Inspirational books or self-help books can open up a world of possibilities and offer great tools for navigating in our busy world today.                       

Here are 10 benefits of reading: 

1: Mental Stimulation - Keeping your brain active and engaged prevents it from losing power.  2: Stress Reduction - While  engaged in reading material you enjoy you're distracted from stress and it keeps you in the present moment. 3: Knowledge - Everything you read fills your head with new information, and who knows when it might be useful. 4: Vocabulary Expansion - The more you read, the bigger the vocabulary becomes, the more conversations you can participate in. 5: Memory Improvement - When you read you have to remember characters, plots, situations...every new memory you create opens up new synapses (brain pathways) and strengthens existing ones. 6: Stronger Analytical Thinking Skills - You begin to put your analytical and important intelligence to work when discussing the book with others... you are able to state your opinions clearly. 7: Improved Focus and Concentration - Living in a world crazed by the computer, our attention is all over the place...I'm beginning to think we are turning into a culture that can no longer focus for more than two minutes!  And when we can't focus we are actually lowering our productivity and welcoming chaos.  When reading a book your attention is focused on the story, we zone in on the information. 8: Better Writing Skills - Following the flow of the material you read, you are an observer of the writing styles of other authors & you learn to enhance your own work.  9: Tranquility - Reading Spiritual text can lower blood pressure and literally melt anxiety and worry away. That's worth it!

Napoleon Hills book THINK & GROW RICH was written in 1937 -  and the information is flawless today. I read parts I've highlighted in this book daily, and If I don't read it in book form, I read the emails I receive from the company every morning . EXCUSE ME YOUR LIFE IS WAITING - Lynn Grabhorn is another great read for motivation and inspiration. Love Warrior - Glennon Doyle Melton - A good "kick in the butt" for getting real in your life & relationships. The goal is is to just keep growing; our world is changing, and we need to move forward and continue our mental growth along with embracing the change around us. Here's a fact about your mind: It's going to control you - or you're going to control it. When you work on your mind, you are improving your quality of life. It's never about "stuff" it's about quality.

Shop my favorite books at the bottom of this post.

Shop my favorite books at the bottom of this post.

Self-improvement, personal development, or simply getting more from life feels good. If you want to expand your mind and your possibilities then I encourage you to find  books that speak to you, make a solid commitment to yourself to read every morning, even if it's 5 minutes, and I promise you will elevate your happiness and feel joy make it's way into your sub-conscience and accomplish a few goals along the way.  One of the best lessons I've learned is you can't do it alone, and why would you...there are so many incredible writers who want to share their wisdom and experiences with you. 

Candle / Shop Pretty Places... I love these candles, they're the perfect size so you can take them anywhere!

Candle / Shop Pretty Places... I love these candles, they're the perfect size so you can take them anywhere!

In the morning find a quiet place to sit, light one of your favorite candles and set the tone for your day ahead. Yes... you might be thrown a zinger or two during the day but you will have grounded yourself for protection before stepping out the door. I have many mantras I've learned over time that I repeat during the day and it can instantly change my energy. Don't let negative people or situations ruin your day. You be in charge, this is your movie, you be the director. Another great lesson I've learned; our thoughts, words, and energy will either connect or disconnect us from The Universe - or your Higher Power - God - Source Energy. When you change your words you change your world. Don't forget; expect wonderful things to happen, and  P.S. Don't sweat the small stuff...   My favorite word I've ever learned...GRATITUDE

 Share with me what your favorite word is...I'd love to hear from you.

               The more I read, the more I learn, and the more I share I transform fear to faith...Me.

Three Fearless Females writing about living life, feeling the fear and moving forward...                                            Gabrielle Bernstein - Glennon Doyle Melton - Maria Shriver