Let's Hit the Road

Grab your sneakers and get going!  All you need is 20 minutes in your day to make a difference.  Cardio burns calories, blast  the fat and strengthens the heart. Our bodies were made to move, so lets keep moving & grooving. 

Nike light weight running shoes - lululemon tights & headband  Splits59 sports bra - Joah Brown black tank- Emi-Jay hair tie

 The triceps are one of the first to go as you age, You can strengthen them almost anywhere. The quicker you attack the less you flap!  

After your walk or your run during your cool down do squats right  to your front door. Don't forget to stretch after your workout.  This elongates your muscles and creates flexibility. When your body is flexible so is your mind. And when you finish your workout, don't forget to thank your running mate if you have one and  mother nature for the beauty that surrounds you.

Source: www.splits59.com www.emi-jay.com ...